A blog full of photos

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I am only a LITTLE spoiled!

Okay so I am a lot spoiled....
Oops, ignore the underwear.
Check out this amazing comforter my mama bear made for me...
I am obviously going to keep it for life and the best part ever is that no one else will have one like it :)

& my dad got me the best purse... I wanted it so bad!

Even though i've said it 10 times already, Thanks for the best Christmas ever guys!

The six faces of a precocious four year old.

Riley is one of my cousin's four year old daughter and she is ultimately the funniest little girl I have ever met and she is very smart... never have I had such funny conversations with a child below the age of five. She plays with anything you give her, she has toys named "Dina the dragon" and "Broccoli head the dinosaur". She is toooo cute and I had to share her with you!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Today :

Today was insane and I was sitting around organizing all of my goods from the past couple days. Also, I was slightly "hungover" if that is what you want to call it...
I would say it was really just being lazy.

I got everything I wanted for Christmas now I just have to save up for my DSLR... which shouldn't take toooo long considering I now have a couple amazon gift cards layin around now.

I feel a stress lifted off my shoulders now that the holiday anxiety is over with but I am feeling sad about the season ending. This is clearly my favorite time of the year, as it is many others... but I just really am not looking forward to it ending. Usually when Christmas day is over I lay out all of my things I received and leave them displayed for a few weeks until I have come to the conclusion that Christmas is over.

Want to know a weird secret? I am deathly afraid of my house catching on fire or something CRAZY happening after the anticipation of all the things we receive on holidays or all the excitement... and I will probably continue to have this anxiety for the next couple weeks. I don't know why this happens to me, it just does every freakin time! I am nuts!

I do have to say that I am really relieved that my mom and my dad enjoyed there gifts this year because I couldn't figure out for the life of me what to get two people who already have everything! But I decided to make something for my dad and get something really sentimental for my mom... and it worked out perfectly.

Thanks to my Mom, Dad, Felix, Grandparents, Emma, Aunt, Cousins, Lindsay and the Marr's for all of the amazing things I was given this year. For example a handmade duvet cover, Hunter Rain boots, crafts, clothes, a purse and an awesome record player... and much much more! You guys are amazing and I love you!

Merry Christmas Everyone, I hope it was amazing!

Nostalgia central!

Lindsay is so sweet! She bought me a record player and the "She and Him" vinyl for Christmas and I listened to the entire album before I could even describe how amazing it is! I am so excited that today I went out and bought a Bright Eyes album! I am so excited, so so excited.
Thank you Linds!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Dinner

We went to my aunt's house for Christmas dinner and I had some drinks with my cousin. I took some really nice angles of my cousin and my cousin "in-law"... the "Myspace" angles. I ate some good food and took some fun pictures of there living room! Christmas was great. Here are my photos! :

Merry Chrismtas :)

Christmas at Grandmas! (Traditions)

I have some time to kill so I will show some photo's of my Grandparents house. The traditions in our house and the ones that have been going on for the last 20 years are never ending!

Oh and this picture of Pip.

What are your traditions?

This year I spent Christmas eve with my dad and watched Christmas movies and ate Christmas eve dinner. Sometimes I am with my mom and we go to church and have the whole family over, which they do regardless if I am there or not! But, I do spend the night at my momma's on Christmas eve and we watch one Christmas movie, we set out the cookies for Santa and I go to bed with the sound of "The Christmas story" playing in the background. This year I slept in my old bedroom considering I don't live at home any longer. Then in the morning we wake up around 6:30 or 7am and walk into the living room where our Santa gifts are all displayed. (As shown in the last blog post) THEN! we open stockings :) After we open all of our presents under the tree. Then we all round up the goods for the rest of the family (Cousins, Grandparents and Aunts/Uncles). At 9:30 am we go to my grandparents to eat breakfast and swap all gifts! We all go back to our houses after and then meet up at my aunts house for Christmas Dinner and more friends! Which is where I am headed right this moment! See ya and have a good rest of your Christmas:)

Christmas Morning Photo dump!

Welp! It's Christmas morning, i should be with family!
So Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

Best Christmas EVER!
Thanks Mom, Felix, Emma and SANTA!
Merry Christmas :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve!

Okay, it has been 10 days since my last blog post, and 10 days since I have had a day off!
But FINALLY! It's christmas eve and I am finally back in action!

I have been so busy at work, and Christmas shopping that I had no time to actually take pictures of all of my endeavors. I did however travel over to Seattle a few times, and spent my Christmas eve with my dad and Dawna. It was a lot of fun, and it feels nice to be off work.
I have to admit I am so happy Christmas time is FINALLY here! But so sad that it is soon to be over. I got to watch most of the Christmas movies I long for all year, I got to take lots of pictures and hangout with some old friends. I successfully made my dad a gift that I was hoping would turn out correctly... and I made all of the delicious food I wanted!
   THANKS DAD FOR MY AWESOME GIFTS! Can't go wrong with a good chunk of change, a car, and clothes from Forever 21! I love you dad :)
Merry Christmas :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thanks Libby!

Libby posted the pictures of the roommates and I today on Facebook and I just wanted to share! Funny because now it's a whole new set of folks livin in this house, and 3 months ago it would have been Kougar (not pictured) instead of Steve (on the left) and now it's Lacy (not pictured) instead of Dan (third from the left)! So much switchin around, TIME FLIES! ps. We miss you Dan!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My tree and things.

I just walked around today and took little pictures of my living room, tree and all! :)
Not bad for a low budget.
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