I, like many others... am so obsessed with Pinterest. I can't ever get
enough, whether I am bored or laying around watching TV, even on my
breaks at work. I am so fascinated by the things you could possibly do
to be creative, or the things I could pursue in hopes of being somewhat
artistic. My biggest pin obsession lately has been the photography tip
pins. I really want to know how to take better portraits, so I pin
tutorials but never learn to use them. Here I bought this beautiful
camera and I barely know how to use the dang thing. Of course I know how
to aim and shoot, but that is only one of one million things I need to
know. I was talking yesterday about self portraits and taking shots of
yourself without trying to look bored or vein, or like you are setting a
shot up without "meaning it". Like smiling away from the lens, as if
something is there to smile at. It's all so corny, but when the shot is
actually created and edited... it usually can turn out so nice. My real
focus needs to be how to re-learn photo shop. I learned back in high
school, I took 3 semesters of digital photography and I even aced the
class. I just can't remember any of it, nor am I willing to learn. I
feel like there is a more simple way of taking photos. I am hoping one
day to have my own dark room and camera collection. Film cameras to be
exact. I would be so much more enthusiastic about those types of shots,
and developing them on my own. One day, I will.
Lately I am really fascinated by black and white photos, and am really
anxious to start taking pictures of my roommates and framing them around
the blank walls in the house. . . which happens to be ALL of the walls.
My problem is, every time I try and take a close up B&W photo, it
turns out looking like the grudge, or the girl from the ring. Or maybe
that's just me.