A blog full of photos

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bestfriend Selfies

Grant takes precious photos.

One of the best things to do in the Harbor especially when it's sunny, is to go down to "Cromwell" and watch the sunrise or sunset, they are both perfect and you get this beautiful view of both Fox Island and Mt. Rainier! We love it, and Grant happens to bring his Canon and shoot photos every time. We've had some gems.
and this presh photo of the bestie and I <3

This girl can't throw...

I went to the park with Sara and Grant, needless to say.... I can not throw a football. I really only ever liked Basketball, soccer and Swimming... every other sport, I can't even fathom the plays. In fact, I barely understand NFL. I have to constantly ask questions when we are watching games, the rules are too confusing to follow. The cool thing is that the Seahawks, which is our team..... are going to the superbowl! My parents are even going. We've been talking about it for years because they have always had season tickets. I wonder if learning how to play a sport in your twenties is a good or bad idea? Football anyone?

Best friend Outings

Happy Birthday "BooBoo"

My bestie Newlo (Lauren) the gorgeous blonde in the photos, celebrated her 24th birthday this weekend in Seattle with us! We had this really nice hotel downtown with a view of the city and we were in the 24th room on the 24th floor! Kind of convenient and ironic. We ended up going out with our big group to Capital hill. These kids like to pre funk, so don't mind the photos... (;

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I've been hitting sunset after sunset and just capturing as many photos as I can. These are the moments when i love the PNW the most. :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cromwell (Home)

Cromwell is a hidden gem in the out skirts of Gig Harbor, you really only know it's there if you wander around the bay by boat or you are an actual Harbor native. It's the best place to catch a sunset. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Some Important people.

There really isn't anything I love more than taking pictures of this guy when he's not looking, or to capture those pearly whites when he notices. Such a funny guy, such a good friend.
Meet Grant. (Granimal)
Wanna know about a stand up guy with big dreams, an adventurous spirit, a passion for artistic abilities, a really, really brilliant mind and love for one of the worst teams in baseball? This is the guy! 
My favorite thing about you is that you're colorblind, yet you have the photographic talent and eye of a genius. It reminds me that you are human.

Say hello to Sara!
This extremely photogenic beauty has more heart than anyone I know.
She's easy to adore because of her willingness to do anything for anyone and showing just how much she cares each time she does it.
She's strong willed and she has one hell of a powerful soul.
A giant desire to travel, enough said.
My favorite thing about you is that you refuse to give up and you right you wrongs no matter what you're feeling.
You're sassy, you're loud and you're a perfect person.

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