So my mom and I went and looked at this adorable little apartment down the street from my current house the other day, and I happen to live in a cute community so I knew it would be real fun! I didn't have my camera with me at the time but I stole these pictures off of the specific ad online, Needless to say... I was madly in love with this one apartment, here are the pictures.

The apartment building is old and not one unit looks the same, they are all unique in there own ways. I know I want a little place like this on my own and this place would have been perfect. The asking price was a little more then I'd be willing to pay right now when I only have one job, and all though my parents are willing to help out... I can't help but think how easy I've got it right now only paying $300 a month. PLUS! I will really miss my roommates and Linds if I move, even if it is only down the street!