Oh my goodness it never ever gets old. That early morning waking up, getting breakfast and heading off to Disneyland in shorts, ready to take on a 12 hour day of walking, sight seeing and riding rides. I always feel like a kid, and my tummy is always satisfied both on rides and when it comes to eating. Luckily for us, there were hardly any lines at California Adventure or Disneyland. It was crowded but not too bad. We got to go on EVERY ride we intended except for the Matterhorn. We watched the parade, Fantasmic and ate at all our favorite places. The only thing I was super bummed about is the firework show, that fortunately I know by heart... so I didn't miss to much! Also, it was like 80 degrees... and beautiful the whole day through the night... and needless to say. I. WAS. EXHAUSTED!