I think most people can agree that the sounds of a record appose to a MP3 or CD always sounds more rad. I pulled out my record player this morning and really wanted to play some music but I only have a few records. I really want to purchase the Whitley Vinyl and The Avett Brothers or Band of horses because I listen to them all the time... but also Rocky Votolato ever since we saw him live. I already have a Bright eyes album so I'm not to interested in buying another one yet. I just can't find places besides Amazon and Ebay that sell records for a decent price, any suggestions? (@kelseyadame - twitter)
Monday, July 30, 2012
I think most people can agree that the sounds of a record appose to a MP3 or CD always sounds more rad. I pulled out my record player this morning and really wanted to play some music but I only have a few records. I really want to purchase the Whitley Vinyl and The Avett Brothers or Band of horses because I listen to them all the time... but also Rocky Votolato ever since we saw him live. I already have a Bright eyes album so I'm not to interested in buying another one yet. I just can't find places besides Amazon and Ebay that sell records for a decent price, any suggestions? (@kelseyadame - twitter)