It's hard to replace memories when you've built so many in one place. For me, moving out was the strongest thing i've ever done. There is so much that I will miss about this house and remember. It's things like holidays and icey nights that kept us in as a group. It's the parties and the birthdays. It's moving into an empty room and making it your own. It's new additions to the family and saying goodbye to the past. It's even saying bye to people. It's all the people that came in and out, and all the friendships we built. It's the views from my bedroom window and the way no one ever cleaned the sink. It's watching the cats gaze out the window in the morning. It's moving furnature just to find your chapstick! It's sitting around the kitchen just to eat and chat. It summer night fires in the backyard and bike riding through the neighborhood. It's decorating for holidays, and packing for vactions. It's nights out on the town and grocery shopping. It's being loud and acting crazy with your roommates, sometimes it's fighting. It's sitting out back in the summer and blasting music during the day! It's picking raspberries and making coffee.
It's napping and doing homework. It's watching our favorite TV shows at night, and gathering around for a movie. It's late night trips to the store and photo shoots in the night. It's the soft sun gazing through my bedroom window and the sunset at night. It's running upstairs to steal a kiss and running down to grab a snack. It's doing laundry and being messy, it's always complaining about nothing. It's acting goofy, it's christmas day, it's the ice that fills the streets. It's snowmen and christmas trees. It's the smells and the laughter, and now it's empty.
I'll miss you green house, number thirty ten, love you.
I'll miss you green house, number thirty ten, love you.

And to my little pain in the ass whom I was never good to, i'll miss you Molly. Bye baby cat. ♥