In October I met one of the best people I could have ever met, her name is Kelsy Balcom. I have had such funny times with her. In a few short months I was able to know and understand this girl inside quicker then anyone without really even getting to "know" her. She became my ride or die, bar loving, beer loving, good friend. The girl is a great writer, with an amazing spirit and sense of humor. Unfortunately she had to move to San Diego because of the military, on Wednesday we had our last outing with her! It was a great time and it was definitely emotional but worth it. I miss you so much Kels! The jokes you tell are unlike any other, the heart you put into everything is noticed and your strength is undeniable. I'm glad to have met such a self-sufficient, and confident young lady who could open my eyes differently. I wish you were still here, but i'll see you soon little solider.
Love you.