A blog full of photos

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Curled like crazy!

I have thick thick THICK hair, so when I curl it, it ends up a little something like this...

I always have loved Julia Roberts Hair, I kind of want to get a perm but I am not sure how my hair would handle the chemicals, I have the worst hair... it's literally the biggggest burden. I can't do anything with it because it's so frizzy and so thick.. I wish it would just pick a style! But... in all seriousness, I want to get some honey highlights and trim it... I want the Sarah Jessica Parker look to it. Or I guess Carrie Bradshaw look!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The best job!

About a year back I worked at this little quaint coffee shop downtown Gig Harbor called "The Amateur garden club". From about the time it opened until it shut down. It was the best job, and I took advantage of how great it really was! I miss baristaing, people who show there friendly faces just to see you and not just for the product. All though we did have the best product money could buy, or Washington could offer! We sold amazing sandwich's, Caffe' Vita roasted coffee and Macrina Baked goods. It was all amazing! I also had the best boss, but I was a little bit of a snot to her! lol. I also worked with a cool family. There were some people I would have loved not working with, but the experience was unforgettable!  I am glad I have grown up since then. The best thing about it was that I put a lot of effort into decorating the place! Making decisions was our bosses favorite thing to do as a group, she had to get as many opinions as possible before making the most reasonable and rational decision, it was a project set in motion... it just needed more fans!
I miss that place!


Friday, November 25, 2011

10 random Facts.

1. I don't like to close my blinds unless i'm changing, I like waking up to natural light.
2. I don't like black and brown worn together unless one of the two is a pair of shoes.
3. I'm self conscious of wearing skirts/dresses in public because I have long legs which makes everything look short!
4. I eat bread with EVERYTHING.
5. Tequila is my hard-alcoholic beverage of choice.
6. I still believe in Santa Claus (;
7. I am jealous of all blue/green eyes, they stand out to much!
8. Orange Juice reminds me of having the flu, therefore I won't drink it.
9. I wish I had thinner, straight hair.
10. I want to be a bad ass interior designer/photographer.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving #2

I'm thankful for this bunch of CRAZIES!
I spent my mom's half of Thanksgiving at my aunt's house who lives on the opposite end of 6th ave as I do. She overlooks all of Gig Harbor which is always a sight for sore eyes during the holidays! It was fun. Took plenty of shots of pear vodka with my cousins (which I don't recommend), made jokes, spoke of old times and ate more food then my tummy could handle.

I won't name a BIG list of what I'm thankful for because it's obvious I have a wonderful family including my dad!! I have great friends and I'm fortunate to be healthy right now, I'm thankful for my pets, my Lindsay Lou and to have a job!

I started off my morning at my mom's in Gig making some little Pilgrim hat cookies, thanks to Pinmarket on Pinterest!
Then headed back to Tacoma for Dinner and photo's with the family, here is how my night progressed.
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stocking Update!

So we had originally just glued/glittered our roommates names onto our stockings that we had purchased for $1 a piece, but they didn't go with the flow of the living room! So my mom bought some fabric for me, and I cut out some stockings and viola! They now are spectacular. (I think).
Thanks Ma!

I love my little stockinnns!

Thanksgiving #1

Some kids think it's really depressing to have divorced parents...
Two parents, two families, two holidays a piece! It's so fun. I got to go to my Dad's today and I ate so much food! I got to hangout with my little niece, Kenzee. She is seriously the prettiest and funniest little baby. I just love her! I also ate like 3 meals, because both of my brothers came at different times! Tomorrow I will be spending my real Thanksgiving with my Momma's side of the family! Can't wait!
But for now, here are some photo's of my day.
I'm so full!

Angry Baby /\ (captured on camera)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rain + Sun

No more tight skirts for me until after the holidays, these thighs need some serious working out!

My Holiday Playlist :)

Christmas Music by KELSEY on Grooveshark

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dress me up in lights.

I thought these photos were kind of fun to take considering my camera is horrible in off lighting. I wanted to experiment with what I have seen on photography websites and "tips" on how to create "dark light". Since I have been doing all of this decorating, I figured why not play with some lights!
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