About a year back I worked at this little quaint coffee shop downtown Gig Harbor called "The Amateur garden club". From about the time it opened until it shut down. It was the best job, and I took advantage of how great it really was! I miss baristaing, people who show there friendly faces just to see you and not just for the product. All though we did have the best product money could buy, or Washington could offer! We sold amazing sandwich's, Caffe' Vita roasted coffee and Macrina Baked goods. It was all amazing! I also had the best boss, but I was a little bit of a snot to her! lol. I also worked with a cool family. There were some people I would have loved not working with, but the experience was unforgettable! I am glad I have grown up since then. The best thing about it was that I put a lot of effort into decorating the place! Making decisions was our bosses favorite thing to do as a group, she had to get as many opinions as possible before making the most reasonable and rational decision, it was a project set in motion... it just needed more fans!
I miss that place!
I miss that place!