Classy Bathroom Photos \/

This past weekend was spent solely on shopping, partying and cleaning. Our roommate Daniel married the love of his life this weekend and moved all his stuff out yesterday! Of course there wedding topped any wedding I have ever been to and the bride was absolutely gorgeous (as we knew she would be).

Oxford Love
We had a "classy" wedding party at our house yesterday so that everyone could have a big celebration with the bride and groom and the irony of it all is it was a "kegger". How classy and sassy is a keg at a wedding party? Best idea ever! I got to chat with awesome people and realized how many people really put effort into the Morrow's relationship which got them where they are now. Lindsay and I kept talking about how we had never seen anyone more in love. This morning when I got up, my house was a pig sty! I flipped out and cleaned for a solid two hours, I even took apart a dining room table and put it back together again.... OH! and fixed a door handle... by myself! I was finished cleaning by about 7:30am. This day light savings is KILLING ME! ...